5 Reason Why Surfing Will Change Your Life

“The joy of surfing is a combination of many things, from physical exercise and challenge, to the mental side of the sport.” Kelly slater
When we hear the word ‘surf’ immediately in our imagination we find a feeling of adrenaline and a great adventure. This water sport is precisely one of the most respected for the challenges it presents in the sea.
Join me to discover 5 reasons why surfing will change your life:

1. Tones muscle groups
In the sea the physical demand is higher due to the currents that exist, for this reason the arms, legs and the whole body work together to be able to stand on the board and catch a wave. In other words, your physical appearance will undoubtedly improve and you will feel stronger.

2. Reduce stress
By entering the sea and connecting with nature, your brain will immediately forget about the problems that usually confuse you in your daily life. It is for this reason that surfing fights anxiety and helps you overcome it.

3. Strengthens the cardio respiratory system
Surfing is an aerobic activity combined with some work of an anaerobic nature (physical exercise that includes brief activities based on strength).

4. Improve your interpersonal relationships
It is inevitable to meet other people in this sport because you always find someone to help you practice this sport and you will also help others. When you start to see the changes in yourself and others, you will begin to have much more empathy.

5. Encourages concentration
Surfing requires you to be attentive to everything around you, the waves, the currents, the rest of the surfers. The need to stay focused on a medium that you do not master is essential.

With these benefits of this sport I am sure that you are being motivated to at least try and discover what it means to surf. How about you take your board and go into the sea?